Not been feeling so chipper lately.
Just the last 20 years or so, I've noticed I've been a bit porous.
And then bits of my inner lining started lifting off. I've had crumbly stuff on my floor.
Most unsightly. It's a blessing the current cleaning team are up to the mark.
Anyway, the good news is there's something afoot. Once more.
I can always tell. You get people traipsing around, looking at you in a certain way.
And then they start measuring, and writing things down.
And talking loudly.
This time it's been numbers of people.
And they've even been in for a sit-down meeting... not to sing and celebrate the Lord's Supper, which is my real purpose in life, but to have a huge discussion. Went on for ages longer than any that I can remember.
But there you are. Folk like to talk. Especially round here. There was lots of hand-shaking at the end. All that 'beautiful', 'unique' and 'extraordinary' that I seem to inspire. It's hard to take it all in.
They should have seen me when I started out, way back in 1750. That was a different story.